Technology aids in protecting migrant birds

By Gateway   |    2024-04-10 16:53:16

Currently, migratory birds wintering in the south of China are gradually embarking on their journey northwards. Various regions of China are increasing their investment in technologies to ensure the migration, breeding, and reproduction of these birds.

Many reserves and wetlands in China are monitored and protected with technologies utilized by staff and scientists. For example, in the wetlands of Poyang lake in Jiangxi province, tens of thousands of migratory birds, including swans, gray geese, and cranes, are migrating northward every day. Staff there use AI bird recognition systems to closely monitor data on the number and changes in populations of migratory birds.

The Minjiang river estuary wetland in Fujian province is an important stopover along the migratory route for birds from East Asia to Australia. In recent days, staff there have observed Chinese black-headed gulls changing from their white summer plumage to their black breeding plumage using an AI bird intelligent monitoring module.
In the Yellow River Delta National Nature Reserve in Dongying city of Shandong province, millions of migratory birds migrate, winter, and breed here annually. To provide better habitats for them, the reserve has built 65 wetland bird nesting and breeding islands, which can meet the different needs of birds for shoals, shallow water, and deep water.

In the Qilihai wetland in Tianjin municipality, more than 200,000 migratory birds of various species have passed through here during this migration season. Staff members have constructed artificial bird nests for oriental storks and established a remote monitoring system to help them inhabit and breed here.

Source: CCTV

Technology aids in protecting migrant birds